Vanderbilt/ACTProx Fob-B Proximity Keyfobs, 10 Pack
- Vanderbilt ACTpro-X Readers
- Vanderbilt ACT5prox Readers
- Vanderbilt ACTsmart2 Readers
Vanderbilt ACT Prox Fob-B Proximity Keyfobs.
Vanderbilt ACT Prox Fob-B Proximity Keyfobs are an excellent access control solution when photo identification is not required.
Lightweight and robust, the Vanderbilt Proximity Keyfobs are compatible with Vanderbilt ACTpro-X, Vanderbilt ACTsmart2 and Vanderbilt ACT5prox readers.
Sold as a pack of 10, the Vanderbilt Fob-B Proximity Keyfobs are uniquely coded and feature a no-battery design, allowing for an infinite number of reads.
Vanderbilt ACT Prox Fob-B Proximity Keyfobs are compatible with:
- Vanderbilt ACTpro-X Readers
- Vanderbilt ACT5prox Readers
- Vanderbilt ACTsmart2 Readers
- 10 pack of Vanderbilt ACT Prox Fob-B Proximity Keyfobs